Mary & kids @ show jumping competition

Photos © Jesper Sunesen/BilledBladet, Hello!/Rex
Billed Bladet 'Marys fridag med børnene' - Mary's day off with the children
Billed Bladet, No. 21, 2009 | by Anna Johannesen
With both Mary and Bella sporting ponytails, they and Christian and some PET officers (royal security) slipped in via a side entrance to Bernstorffs Park. Here they were received by Charlotte Velin who is a keen rider and a friend of Mary. Charlotte helped look after the children, and that was needed!
Actually not many even noticed Mary and her children which is perhaps not surprising since it was Princess Benedikte who was the official royal present.
There were plenty of things to see for Christian and Bella, not least of which were the riders and their horses. And while Bella was busy sucking on her thumb, Christan studied some of the trucks with horsetrailers. They were BIG! "They are pretty fantastic. Look Christian. Have you ever seen such big trucks before?" said Mary. Perhaps not, but then he was allowed to sit on an ATV, and that was very cool, judging from the expression on his face. And this is when things started to get lively because, of course, Isabella also wanted to sit on the ATV and that led to a little chaos, but fortunately Charlotte Velin was there to help Mary.
Mary confided to our reporter: "The children think it's really exciting [being here] and they have also both started to ride. Christian is of course a little more practised, but Isabella is not far behind."
And eventually it was time to leave. But the children were not interested in leaving, so they darted off with Mary behind them. She managed to grab hold of Christian, the result being that they both fell on their backs with Christian laughing heartily and Mary too.
Isabella had in the meantime been reined in by Charlotte, but now she wanted to play falling over with mother too. That didn't quite suit Christian, but okay, that's kids! (summary courtesy Muhler)
Hello! 'Princess Mary shares love of horses with Isabella and Christian'
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Thanks Muhler!
Labels: Christian, Isabella, Mary, riding-equestrian
Great pictures! Cool to see Mary just being mum with the kids, and it looks like they're all having a great time!
what great pictures!
prince christian is beginning to look like a little boy rather than a toddler... he's growing up! and i LOVE the way princess isabella's hair is done. :-)
- michelle
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