
Welcome to an all new Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary site. This is the place where you can come to find the latest F&M news, happenings, and photos.
We want to thank all the people who continuously help us with the blog. We appreciate all your comments, tips, translations and photos. We don't gain money from this, this a hobby for us, and we enjoy bringing you news of the DRF. We moderate comments and we'll try to post your comments within 24 hours. There may be a little delay sometimes and that is because this is not our full-time job and we are not online 24/7, so please be patient if you don't see your comment posted immediately.
Danish Royal Watchers is a non-profit fan resource and is in no way affiliated with the Danish Royal Family, or the royal court, or with the Danish Government, or any media organisation.
As a fan resource we aim to provide information, articles, photos and links in a direct and accessible way as far as possible. Our 'philosophy' is to have a little window on Mary and Frederik and their family, on the Danish Royal Family and their activities. We have the pleasure of 'going where they go' and gaining insight into Denmark as a country and also the places and contacts they make.
We use the resources of the world wide web to access materials believed to be in the public domain to post here.
Danish Royal Watchers claims no credit for any images featured on this site unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to its respective owners. If you own rights to any of the images or other material and do not wish them to appear on this blog, please contact us via e-mail and it will be removed promptly on receipt of valid proof of copyright infringement.
I am delighted to have found your blog. I am a Danish royal "fan", and any information on the young couple is appreciated.
Keep up the good work!
Thrilled to have found this website!
Hi, this is my first visit here. I'm one of the Korean fans of CrownPrince Christian. The Queen visited South Korea last Oct. I was so happy that she's Christian's grandmother. I always wanna see his recent photos. Thanks for this blog, here is Seoul, Korea.
Thankyou very much for all the hard work you do. Isabella reminds me of her Daddy as a baby. Has she got the blue eyes too? Don.t know who gorgeous Christian looks like. Himself I guess!!
Great pictures, thank you.
thank you for this site, I'm a great DRF fan.
It's been over two months. Are you going to post again or take down your blog?
Hi! It is August 2009 and Iam missing your blog...have you stopped doing it????
Miss you, hope you'll be back to share with us the great pictures of of Fred and Mary and their children.
Can I assume that you have stopped this website since there has been nothing new since June? What a pity. Twas on of the best.
I'm a huge fan of Mary and I miss all Your pictures. This is the best website with danish royal photos. Please come back!
Please come back. Miss you so much.
Beautiful website. Professionally done. Very interesting and informative. Great job.
Thank you~!
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