Amber sets the record straight

A sense of humour is probably very helpful when you read complete fiction about yourself in the media. After Amber Petty's recent trip to Denmark for Frederik's 40th during her three week overseas vacation, Amber was beset with pregnancy speculation following a story and a poll in Billed Bladet. Australian media reports* followed. Thanks to a friend of the blog who listens to Amber's breakfast radio show on SAFM in Adelaide we were able to tell readers that Amber had spoken openly on air about having put on some weight during the past year as a result of giving up smoking. This morning Amber was back from her overseas holiday and back on air. Since the Billed Bladet story, SAFM has run with the lunacy of it all and has been posing the question "Is Amber Pregnant?" This morning they had her take a pregnancy test on air but had rigged it to read positive to puzzle Amber yet again. As it turns out Amber does know better than Billed Bladet and laughed along with the joke. Who knows if any of us could be so gracious in the face of such presumptuous and invasive fabrication?
* We know, Danes are not Dutch, but that is how News Ltd published the story!
A few pics from SAFM's photo story in which Amber takes the test to set the record straight... reads the instructions with the show's producer... is 'shocked' to find she is pregnant!... until the penny drops:

In another low point for the media, poor Prince Joachim and Princess Marie had to speak pleasantly to a Se og Hør journalist who asked about their honeymoon on a flight to New York from Canada. The journalist had been pursuing them on their honeymoon but was on the same flight on the return to Denmark. What could they do but smile when he asked to take a photo? The couple has been open in pre-wedding interviews in saying the hardest part of 'the job' is living with the invasiveness of the media.

Labels: Amber Petty, Joachim, Marie, media
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