Frederik & Mary summer tour 2008: Svendborg & Rudkøbing

Today Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary have visited Svendborg and Rudkøbing in Southern Jutland. The Dannebrog approaching Svendborg where several thousand people were waiting to greet the Crown Prince Couple. Fyens Stiftstidende report that Frederik and Mary greeted as many people as they could on arrival and Mary was given so many bouquets that three men were occupied in helping to carry them.

Again it was a 9:30am arrival for Dannebrog at Svendborg Harbour and the Crown Prince Couple were greeted by dignitaries and later in the Town Square by a large crowd of several thousand. In the Town Square the mayor presented the town council and town officials and gave an official welcome to the couple. Some entertainment followed including the surprise of a Scottish bagpipe band.

Frederik and Mary then made a walking tour of the Arcade (a theatre) after which their paths diverted for Frederik to go to the Naturama Museum for a guided tour and a run for his money with polar bear and Mary went to a local school for handicapped children. At the school, Byhaveskolen, Mary was received by chairman of the board Count Christian Ahlefeldt-Laurvig and the headmaster Erik Witten followed by a guided tour. Frederik and Mary met up again at Christiansminde for lunch and the Mayor presented the Svendborg Town Council's gift. After lunch the couple drove to Rudkøbing where they again had a civic reception at the Langeland Town Hall.

After the reception there was time for them to greet local residents, then some more formalities at the Town Hall before leaving for a visit to Vestas, a wind power energy production company. At Vestas they had a guided tour with executives of the company and were greeted by Vestas workers during the tour. They were also given a Lego windmill set for Christian and Isabella.

Mid afternoon and Frederik and Mary arrived at Rudkøbing Square where they were entertained by Langeland's Youth School and the Langeland Music School which included a wind-ensemble and rock orchestra. After a farewell speech by Mayor Knud Gether, it was back to the Dannebrog in Svendborg Harbour to get ready for the reception for locals in the evening. The Dannebrog then departed at 10pm on course for the next stop tomorrow.

The reception on the Dannebrog. Guests included Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig and Caroline Søeborg of Egeskov Castle, Count Christian Ahlefeldt-Laurvig and wife Tranekær (first two couples respectively), Jørgen and Birgit Lundsgaard, Jakob Salvig and lots more. The official guest list for the reception is here at

Photos © Jørgen Outzen/Michael Bager/Katrine Damkjær/Hans Sturesson/Fyns Amts Avis, Fyens Stifstidende,, Carsten Bundgaard/Kim Rune/Fyens Stiftstidende, Scanpix/TV2
TV2 photo gallery in Svendborg
Madeleine Glindorf's photo gallery
TV2 FYN news clip (02:07) beautiful helicopter shots of Dannebrog's arrival
TV2 news clip (01:44) arrival in Svendborg
TV2 FYN news clip (02:02)
TV2 news clip (00:53)
TV2 FYN clip (07:33)
TV2 FYN clip (01:26)
TV2 FYN clip (01:12)
TV2 news clip (04:04)
Thanks gudinde, Leonie and jema!
Labels: Caroline Heering, Christian, Dannebrog, Frederik, Isabella, Mary
If you look at this photo, it looks as if Christian received a boat :) Or is it for Frederik?
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