Christian & Henrik open zoo elephant house

The new elephant house is designed by world-renowned architect Sir Norman Foster (see Foster's projects)
Copenhagen Zoo 'Zoos nye elefantanlæg' (in Danish)
Berlingske Tidende photo gallery 'Livet i Elefanthuset'
Copenhagen X Elephant House slideshow and cph X interactive map and photos
Politken elephant photo gallery
B.T. 'Prins Henrik: Flere børnebørn, tak' - Prince Henrik: More grandchildren, please
Christian went to the new and very modern elephant house, which has been in use for some time by some pretty delighted elephants. They are visibly pleased with their new surroundings.
Prince Henrik said in his speech:
"It's a great pleasure for me to follow what happens in Zoo the year around. I've enjoyed that since I took over as patron 36 years ago and in the later years I have also had the opportunity to share the joy with my grandchildren. Unfortunately there are only four of them, but I hope there will be more."
It was Christian who inaugurated the facility. He did that by placing his hand on a button and so a very loud elephant trumpet was heard which was very cool!!
His nanny was also there, but she was secondary, because today Christian was with farfar (grandad).
Billed Bladet 'Prins Christian og farfar så elefanterne'

Photos © ¡Hola!, B.T., Bunte/facetoface
Madeleine Glindorf's (wonderful!) photo gallery
Søren Steffen's photo gallery
B.T's photo gallery
TV2 news clip (0000) 'Zoos elefanter får nyt hus'
B.T. webTV (00:40)
Thanks Muhler! and Valentine!
Labels: Christian, Mette Hansen, Prince Henrik
I have to say, Christian is way too cute in these pictures!
His little nose pressed against the glass is just too cute! :)
Thanks Lotte. This is a lovely study of a little boy's relationship with his much loved grand-dad. Christian looking after Henrik's walking stick was so charming. Happy birthday to Henrik also.
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