Frederik @ 2008 Discovery in Danish Sport award

Morten Jørgensen was chosen as a fourth team member in the lightweight-fours just a month before the Olympics. His preparation wasn't optimal, but the result at the Olympics is beyond dispute. With the rest of the team, Eskild Ebbesen, Thomas Ebert and Mads Kruse Andersen, Morten Jørgensen won a thrilling race. Crown Prince Frederik had visited the team at their training base before the Olympics to encourage their effort. The prize is Denmark's oldest sports prize, awarded since 1929 and voted on by Denmark's Sports Association, Team Denmark and the newspaper Politiken to elect the top ten nominees for the Year's Discovery in Danish Sport.

© Jens Dresling/Politiken (including top photo), Scanpix/, Claus Poulsen/SogH
Sjæ 'Næstved-roer blev »Årets fund«' 'René Poulsen blev næsten "Årets Fund"'
Ekstra Bladet 'Kronprinsen hyldede olympisk mester'
TV2 Sporten 'Guldvinder kåret som Årets Fund'
Politiken photo series by Jens Dresling
DR news clip (01:21)
EB news clip (00:55)
Politken TV (02:06)
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