A new edition of a book by Swedish royal author
Catarina Hurtig has been released in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
From the
publisher's blurb on Catarina Hurtig
(Princesses Uppdrag: Prinsessa): It sounds like a story from the past but the dream of becoming a princess, to get the charming prince and half the kingdom and live ”happily ever after” has never been more present than today. In the European royal families we now have several Cinderellas whose lives changed completely since they met the prince of their dreams. It even seems as if these ordinary girls have become more popular than princesses of the blood.
Modernisation of the monarchies have increased the demands on the princesses. Not only should a European princess of today produce heirs to the throne, she should also be an important PR-representative and a smiling fashion icon – preferably all at the same time.
The pressure from the mass media and the royal courts have on several occasions led to depressions, eating disorders and private conflicts. Some of the younger European princesses have also been surrounded by scandals. Catarina Hurtig portrays the ten most famous princesses of this new generation – Letizia, Charlotte, Mathilde, Maxima, Mary, Alexandra, Märtha-Louise, Mette-Marit, Madeleine and Victoria. The portraits cover intrigues and treachery, horrible accidents, fantastic success stories and, of course, love!
Princesses was published at Bonnier Fakta in May 2006.
Sold in Finland (Otava), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk Forlag)
Denmark (Peoples Press), The Netherlands (AW Bruna)
A peek at Hurtig's summaries in English of
Mette-Marit/Maxima/LetiziaThe blurb for the Norwegian launch:
Congratulations, Catarina Hurtig! The entertaining book Uppdrag: Prinsessa - about our ten most interesting pricesses - has now been released in Norway (Gyldendal). The launch was a success with interviews in TV and radio and Catarina has now become the Princess-expert in Norway as well with remarkably good sales figures.
The title is also sold to Peoples Press in Denmark, AW Bruna in the Netherlands and Otava in Finland.
Read more about Catarina Hurtig by clicking here.
Danish version available from online books store
Excerpt from a review of the book by Dorte Quist in
Billed Bladet (no. 26, 2007)-
The world’s best PrincessBy Dorte Quist, Mary is praised in a new book:
There are much greater expectations of the princesses by marriage than the princesses by birth, says Catarina Hurtig, who has just released the book Profession: Prinsesse about ten of Europe’s Princesses – and among these are our own Mary and Alexandra.
It is hard to describe a job as a princess, but Swedish Catarina Hurtig, who has been a Royal reporter for six years reporting on Crown Princess Victoria, has made an attempt in her new book Profession: Prinsesse which [was] released [last] week.
A princess needs to have a kind manner towards everybody, she has to be humble, grateful, keep an indefinable distance with everybody and then there cannot be any arrogance or haughtiness in them. Pretty hard, huh?!
Mary is one of the princesses of Europe who has succeeded, and perhaps the one who has done the best in her job. She has a warm side to her which can reach out to all. She is nice, open and smiling at all times and everywhere. But she also keeps a certain Royal distance so that she does not become “too common”. She always looks princess perfect – no matter where or when she is seen or photographed. And then there is the fact that she “did what she had to” and gave birth to a lovely boy the first time and now also a girl, helps as well, says Catarina Hurtig.
Even though “The Princess Disease” hits both princesses by birth and princesses by marriage in Europe, the pressure is hardest on the princess by marriage.
These commoners have very high demands for themselves in their new lives. Much higher than the demands the princesses by birth have. And then one should not forget that the courts in the European countries control the princess by marriage from the moment they sense that the princes’ relationships with the girls are serious. (by Dorte Quist and kindly translated by ambiDK)
B.T.'s articleRequirements of a princess from Catarina Hurtig's book:
- Fertile – she must be able to have children
- Be a good mother
- Interested in fashion and beauty
- Able to keep a tight reign on her temperament and always appear in control
- Sense of social occasion and like to meet people
- Be discreet and able to keep confidences
- Be able to talk without being imprudent
- Kind and obliging, but at the same keep a certain distance. BUT without appearing cold and arrogant
- Show an interest towards the outside world
- Able to talk to all kinds of people
- Appear warm, soft and accessible
- Have a good relationship with her mother-in-law, the Queen
- No skeletons in the cupboard, such as embarrassing episodes from her youth
- No embarrassing family relations, who make scandals or talk out of place to the press
Some other links:
Profession: prinsesse book review in Berlingske Tidende (Danish)
Art People - books (in Danish about the book)
Kvinde Guiden (Women's Guide in Danish with info about the book)
Oestrogen.dk (in Danish about the Swedish princesses Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine)
Oestrogen.dk (in Danish about Crown Princess Mary)
Labels: Alexandra, Letizia, Madeleine, Märtha-Louise, Mary, Mathilde, Mette-Marit