Some southern hemisphere reaction to the news of Mary's second pregnancy!
ninemsnMary joins Europe's 'royal baby boom'Friday Oct 27 17:46 AEST
Australia's Princess Mary is part of a royal baby boom in Europe, the heir to the Dutch throne says.
Prince of Orange, Willem-Alexander, and his wife Princess Maxima are in Sydney, finishing their six-day Australian tour.
The couple, who travel to New Zealand on Saturday, are expecting their second child in April.
Australians woke on Friday to news that Australian-born Danish princess Mary Donaldson and Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik are expecting their second child in May.
"We congratulate her tremendously, and her husband as well," Prince Willem-Alexander told AAP.
"You need to know we have a royal birth wave next year, April, and two in May, coming from Denmark, Spain and Holland.
"So in that sense we are going into a good productive season," the prince joked.
Spain's Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia are expecting their second child next May.
Prince Willem-Alexander travelled to Tasmania, where Mary was raised, and said "it was very nice" to see the way people there react to her.
The Dutch royal couple was in Australia on an official visit to celebrate 400 years since Dutch explorers landed on the coast of Western Australia.
Prince Willem-Alexander said that had the captain of the Duyfken found some spices in Australia he might have stayed and established a colony.
"But I don't believe in commemorating too many of these sorts of visits if you don't have a future together, and that's why we are here, because I hope we have 400-year future," Prince Willem-Alexander said.
The landing is recognised as the first European discovery of Australia.
Prince Willem-Alexander, as the eldest child of Queen Beatrix, is first in line of succession to the Dutch throne.
©AAP 2006From thrilled with Mary baby newsOctober 27, 2006 01:12pm
CROWN Princess Mary's announcement that she's expecting a second child was wonderful news, Tasmanian Premier Paul Lennon said today.
Mr Lennon said the Tasmanian community was thrilled for the Crown Princess and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark.
"Tasmania obviously has a special link with the royal palace in Copenhagen and we are all delighted for the royal couple on this happy occasion," Mr Lennon said.
"Tasmanians from all walks of life will be quietly chuffed at this wonderful news.
"The Crown Princess is a source of pride and inspiration for many in our state and we look forward to seeing her back here with her family when time permits."
The former Mary Donaldson was born in Tasmania, and made her first official visit as Crown Princess in early 2005.
She is due to make a private visit to Tasmania with her husband and young son Prince Christian next month.
Premier Lennon said consideration would be given to an official gift from the people of Tasmania once the baby, which is due in May, was born.New from
The Hobart Mercury:Mary's all aglow againLINDA SMITH
October 28, 2006 01:00am
PRINCESS Mary's pregnancy has been confirmed by Denmark's Royal Palace -- and Tasmanians couldn't be happier for the former Taroona schoolgirl and her family.
Court officials yesterday confirmed the princess is almost three months pregnant, with the baby, her second, due in early May.
In Denmark, speculation has already started as to the sex of Princess Mary's new baby, with many Danes believing the Danish Royal couple will have a baby girl.
And already the most likely name is speculated to be Ingrid Henrietta Margrethe Thorhildur.
Ingrid is the name of the late Queen, Frederik's grandmother, while Henrietta is the name of Mary's late mother, and Margrethe Thorhildur is Frederik's mother, the current Queen of Denmark.
The confirmation of the pregnancy comes after weeks of speculation, with royal watchers believing Princess Mary suffered morning sickness at a function in Russia a fortnight ago.
Many also believed Mary, 34, had been trying to conceal a baby bump, and the princess has made no secret of her desire for a large family.
The news has excited Tasmanians from all walks of life, who have been captivated since Tasmanian-born Mary married Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik in May 2004.
Tasmania's Scandinavian Society treasurer Erik Madsen said the news was exciting for the state's Danish community.
"We certainly express heartfelt congratulations to Mary, Frederik and Christian and wish them all the best," he said.
Mary's family in Hobart recently celebrated Prince Christian's first birthday at the society's annual seafood night, held the day before the Prince's birthday.
Danish ex-patriate and Out of Denmark operator Else Marie Millin could hardly contain her excitement yesterday, saying Mary was a hot topic of conversation.
"I think it's lovely news, it will be lovely for Christian to have some company," she said.
But Mrs Millin, who came to Australia from Denmark more than 20 years ago, was not prepared to guess the sex of the baby.
The country is overdue for the birth of a princess, with the last being Queen Margrethe's younger sister, Princess Benedikte in 1944. [DRWs note: this is incorrect - Anne-Marie born 1946 was the last princess born in Denmark. We have just recently covered her 60h birthday her on the blog!]
"Everyone is always commenting about Denmark and how they appreciate and admire both Mary and Frederik," Mrs Millin said.
Students at Taroona High School -- where Mary once studied -- are excited about the news, and will write letters of congratulation next week.
Principal Brendan Kelly said it was likely students would also send a gift when the baby was born, as they did for Prince Christian. "The students always keep an eye on what's happening when it comes to Mary," he said.
Premier Paul Lennon said the pregnancy was "wonderful news" that would further strengthen ties between Tasmania and Denmark.
"Tasmanians from all walks of life will be quietly chuffed at this wonderful news," he Mary photo gallery (erm, pity quite a few of the captions are incorrect!)
Mum's the word for Mary again The Sydney Morning HeraldDenmark's Princess Mary pregnant with second child The New Zealand HeraldDanish princess expecting second child United Press International
Video clips:
ninemsn video clip Princess Mary expecting (1:16)
ninemsn video clip Princess Mary confirms she's pregnant (1:50)
Seven video clip Mary announces second pregnancy (0:38)
... and Danish video clips:
TV2 (5:40) (10:00)
Labels: Caroline Heering, Mary, pregnancy