Thursday 3 August 2006

So far at Gråsten ...

The family gathering at Gråsten so far.

Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik arrived in Sønderborg on the Dannebrog on 21 July as we have already reported. Princess Benedikte joined them soon after.

On 28 July Prince Henrik inaugurated a new neuropsychiatric ward at Sønderborg (posted in the roundup here. Billed Bladet this week has photos of Prince Henrik trying out an excerise machine at the new centre and dealing with his mobile phone during proceedings.

This year's neighbourhood reception, or welcome for the royal family by locals, at Gråsten Palace was held on July 28. Here you can see Queen Margrethe sitting for the ceremony with her new puppy Heleke on her lap.

On 29 July there was a Royal Ballet performance at nearby Sønderborg Castle park. The Queen, Princess Benedikte, Princess Alexandra zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Queen Anne-Marie, Princess Alexia, her husband Carlos Morales and her younger brother Prince Nikolaos attended this event.

TV SYD click for short clip of the Royal Ballet performing in the Sønderborg Castle park
TV SYD article 'Ballet i Sønderborg' (in Danish)
Der Nordschleswiger (in German)

Queen Anne-Marie, Princess Alexia, husband Carlos Morales and their daughters Arrietta and Anna-Maria, and Prince Nikolaus at the circus during the stay at Gråsten Palace. Arrietta (centre with birds) participated in the circus with other children in the audience.

On 30 July Prince Joachim and Princess Benedikte attended the opera. It was a performance by Placido Domingo in concert in the city of Esbjerg in Jutland.

The Legoland in Billund near Gråsten had a visit from 11 royals, including some small ones, on Wednesday. They were accompanied by the Legoland director Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen as they flew on Duplo airplanes and other fun stuff. The members of the roayal family included Princess Benedikte, her daughter Princess Alexandra zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and grandchildren Richard and Ingrid, Queen Anne-Marie, her daughter Princess Alexia and her daughters Arrietta and Anna-Maria, Prince Joachim and Nikolai and Felix.

Indland Jyllands-Posten 'Prinser i hopla i Legoland' (in Danish)
JydskeVestkysen 'De kongelige på besøg i Legoland' (in Danish)
Jyllands-Posten infocast click to see short clip of the royals at Legoland.

There is to be a concert in the chapel in Gråsten Palace tomorrow and hopefully there will be new photos.

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