Saturday 18 March 2006

Joachim and Marie? a media storm erupts

Prince Joachim is finishing his trip to Cambodia and Vietnam as patron of Care Denmark while the attention of the Danish media has shifted to his love-life and Marie Cavallier in Geneva. Of course Joachim's visit has been successful in bringing attention to the work of Care Denmark, but the media following Joachim on his trip has not had any real comment from him, he just laughed and said he was happy, which can mean any number of things. They would love more from him but that is not to be. Meanwhile in Geneva the Danish tabloid media is in hot pursuit of Marie Cavallier and her dog. At the moment it is still difficult to tell much about whether this is a serious relationship despite the tabloid press painting it that way. We wait and watch. So, in the interests of following the story as it unfolds, here is a wrap up of the final reports about Joachim in Asia and the 'Marie media storm'.

Some links to Danish stories about Prince Joachim's trip which has focused on Care projects to combat poverty by building hygeine and economic sustainability within communities and to support HIV affected orphans and mothers: 1 (ScandAsia reports in English)
ScandAsia. dk 2 Jakob Holm's wrap-up of Joachim's visit which ends today. No doubt there will be media at the airport when Joachim flies back into Copenhagen on the 19th! This report says how the object of the visit has been rather upstaged by the Marie Cavallier news at home in Denmark.
Joachim at a Vietnamese pig farm 1 and 2 (both in English)
B.T.(15 March 2006) about visiting a fish factory project.
B.T. (16 March 2006) "I am very happy" fullstop
There are many other reports in the Danish press about Joachim's visit, but these links give the idea. Now to the deluge of reports from 'project get the girlfriend'.

Billed-Bladet 'the interview' (see previous post) and Billed-Bladet editorial giving a thumbs up to Marie (somewhat premature?)
Belinske Tidende 'Here is Marie' with Billed-Bladet's scoop
The down-market Ekstra Bladet 1 and 2 gets in on the act
The Copenhagen Post oversteps the mark? (in English)
Jyllans-Posten (in Danish)
B.T. "I want three kids" (!) (in Danish)

If you think Marie looks a little like Mary, you are not alone. According to B.T it is the talk of Denmark. Well, we will see because, as 'they' say, time will tell!

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