Monday 20 November 2006

Mary at Children's Rights Prize

Today Crown Princess Mary has participated in the presentation of the Children's Rights Prize for 2006 for the Save the Children Fund in Copenhagen. The prize was awarded by Crown Princess Mary to psychologist Kirsten Ørgaard who has worked for some years with children in Greenland. The prize includes ad award of 30,000 DkK. Save the Children is a guardian of children's rights. Fundamental changes in attitude and behaviour are vital to protect children from the horrors of war, poverty, exploitation and abuse.
The members of the International Save the Children Alliance, as one worldwide movement for children, continue the relentless fight to keep this enormous challenge in the hearts and minds of everyone who can bring about benefits to the lives of children.
Save the Children played a vital role in drawing up of the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child completed in 1989. The recognition of children's rights underpins everything that Save the Children does.

Crown Princess Mary's speech (in Danish)
International Save the Children Alliance
TV2 photo gallery

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