Mary, Frederik & kids in Skagen & Blokhus

In Skagen:

In Blokhus:

Photos © Hello!/Rex, TV2, TV2/Nord, SE og HØR and Billed Bladet
From Billed Bladet's (no.30,2008): Ken Richter, who covers Jutland and Funen for the magazine, has been busy lately. Most of the Danish royals were in Jutland last week, north and south, so he has been travelling from one end of the peninsula to the other.
Mary and Frederik and their two children were staying in pretty cramped quarters. Fifteen squaremeters to be exact. All four of them. They were staying with their good friends, the Buchwalds, including their three teenagers. They occupied the main house of 70 square meters. While Mary and Frederik occupied the more modest guest quarters. That meant no nanny since there was no room. Mary and Frederik were full-time parents while in Skagen, and they stayed at home in the evenings instead of attending the daily parties with the jetsetters, who are also in Skagen right now. The locals incidentally call this week "Hellerup week", Hellerup being a posh part of the greater Copenhagen area.
It is incidentally Andreas, one of the Buchwald teenagers, we see holding Isabella in photos while walking down a sand dune.
Mary and Frederik went to a party at Ruth's Hotel one evening and Frederik went out on another evening with the guys. They stayed at a place called Hyttefadet until 5am. Apart from that, they went for walks or visited friends during the day.
Reporter-on-the-spot Ken Richter was stationed in the sand dunes while Mary and Frederik, the children, Ziggy and friends went to the beach on two occassions.
One the first day it was very windy with showers and a bit chilly. On this day we see Mary wearing a vest and Isabella being carried by Andreas.
The second day on the other hand was better. Frederik and the guys went into the water and Christian discovered that the water was cold! Brrr!
Mary and Isabella prudently chose to stay on land and contented themselves with watching. After a day at the beach it was time to go to Gråsten.
Frederik and a number of friends played football, while the womenfolk and the children looked on from the sidelines and chatted among themselves. Frederik may have been among the oldest on the field but he was also among the fittest. And he played to win! He went for the ball and if someone happened to have it, well, Frederik wasn't afraid to tackle his opponents either!
Hello! 'Summer fun on the beach for Danish royals Frederik and Mary'
Hello! 'Sun, sea and sand for Danish royals on a family break'
TV2 article 'Frederik og Mary på ferie i Skagen' - Frederik and Mary on holiday in Skagen
In summer mode Crown Prince Frederik has conquered Skagen with Mary and their two children, Christian and Isabella.
The Crown Prince was together with Prince Christian in a stroller with Ziggy and spotted by one of TV2 North's photographers last Saturday.
The Crown Prince Family has been in Skagen for the whole week - and they are still in Northern Jutland.
TV2 photo gallery
TV2 photo gallery
Thanks very much to Valentine, cph, bonsai and jema! And thank you Muhler!
Labels: Christian, Christian Buchwald, Elisabeth Buchwald, Frederik, Isabella, Jørgen Skeel, Marie Louise Skeel, Mary, Ziggy