Monday, 15 September 2008

Frederik & Mary present Culture Prize 2008

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary presented their annual Culture Prize for 2008 this evening at the Opera House in Copenhagen. The winner of the Culture Prize for 2008 is singer and song writer Tina Dickow. The Crown Prince Couple's Culture Prize also includes the award of a large donation of funds to a humanitarian organisation. The humanitarian prize has gone to a project called 'Morgencaféen for Hjemløse' (Morning coffee for the homeless) which is on Blågårds Plads in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. The morning café in Blågårds Place is an established project aimed at meeting the basic needs of homeless and psychologically ill people, and is where they can find warmth and care, and the opportunity for a cheap meal and washing facilities. The project was started by residents from FSB Blågården and volunteers who have taken social responsibility for some of the weakest members of the community. Morgencaféen also has a health visitor who checks wounds and provides other physical and mental health first aid and nursing. The organisation has now recieved the Crown Prince Couple's Humanitarian Prize of a donation of 250,000 DKK to continue the good work.

The Crown Prince Couple's Award was founded in 2004 as a gift from Bikubenfonden on the marriage of Crown Prince Frederik to Mary Donaldson in May 2004. The Crown Prince Couple's Award has three aims, to award a young, outstanding Danish artist for encouragement, give a donation for a humanitarian or charitable organisation and feature both a Danish and international band at the Opera House gala, chosen by the Crown Prince Couple. For this year the featured international artists were the British triphop/electronica-pioneers 'Massive Attack' and the Danish band was 'L.O.C.' and some other special guests. The hosts for the evening were Anders Lund Madsen and Anders Breinholt.

Below, from Kim Agersten/POLFOTO, Frederik and Mary arrive, also Caroline and Peter Heering, Tanja Doky and Chris Minh Doky. Making the presentations and speeches, and, Mary missing an earring (?)

Crown Prince Frederik's speech to Tina Dickow (in Danish)
Crown Princess Mary's speech to Thomas Skjold & Michael Espensen of Morgencaféen (in Danish)

Billed Bladet 'Tina Dickow modtog Kronprinsparrets kulturpris' - Tina Dickow receives Crown Prince Couple's Culture Prize
Crown Prince Frederik handed over the Crown Prince Couple's Culture Prize 2008 to the talented young Tina Dickow.
The singer, song writer and musician Tina Dickow was awarded the Crown Prince Couple's Culture Prize 2008 on Sunday evening at the Opera House at Holmen in Copenhagen.
It was a Crown Prince Frederik in good form who stood on the large stage together with Crown Princess Mary, and with the words "a musician who will really be heard", presented the cultural award and a cheque for 500,000 DKK to the Århusian singer.
Crown Prince Frederik, who is clearly impressed by the 31-year-old singer, praised her talent in his speech.
"It demands a special talent to write songs which combine good melody and exciting language along with personal and the commonly experienced observations in question these days," the Crown Prince said about Tina Dickow.
It's fourth time that the cultural award has been given to a younger figure in Danish art and cultural life.

Politiken 'Tina Dickow får kongelig kulturpris' (in Danish)
Berlingske Tidende 'Kronprinsparrets Kulturpris til Tina Dickow' (in Danish)
Jyllands Posten 'Kronprinsen: Du er en stjerne' (in Danish) article 'Kronprinsens kulturpris til Tina Dickow' (in Danish)
B.T. 'Frederik og Mary giver Tina Dickow en halv mio.' (in Danish)
TV2 article 'Kronprinsparret vilde med Dickow' (in Danish)
Århus Stiftstidende 'Tina Dickow forgyldt af kronprinsen' (in Danish)
Fyens Stifstidende 'Royal kulturpris og ros til Tina Dickow' (in Danish)

Photos © Kim Agersten/POLFOTO/, Jens Nørgaard Larsen/BerlingskeTidende, Sanne Vils Axelsen/Jyllands Posten, Peter Hove Olesen/Politiken, Billed Bladet/POLFOTO, Hola

Søren Steffen's photo gallery video clip (32:58) - see the two presentations by Frederik and Mary and all speeches as well as performances by Massive Attack and the prize winner Tina Dickow program (58:43) - the whole program as aired by DR (thanks DR!)

Thanks gudinde, Tamriko and Ayvee!

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