Sunday, 8 June 2008

Princess Alexia's new baby christened Amelia

Royal cousin Princess Alexia, the eldest of Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid's grandchildren and godmother to Princess Isabella, christened her fourth child yesterday. With husband Carlos Morales and family, their third daughter Amelia was christened in an orthodox ceremony at the church Los Remedios de Yaiza in Lanzarote. Present for the christening were grandparents Queen Anne-Marie and King Constantine, Prince Nikolaos and his girlfriend Tatiana Blatnick, Princess Theodora and Prince Philippos. Spanish royal cousins the infantas Elena and Christina were also present as was Princess Alexandra zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and her husband Count Jefferson. The godparents are Miguel Ángel Morales, brother of Carlos, Prince Philippos of Greece, Luz Hernández, a friend of the couple, and Alexandra of Denmark. After the baptism the family and guests went to a local restaurant to celebrate. Carlos Morales is an architect in Lanzarote and the family lives in a house he designed himself.

Below: Alexia with Carlos Morales and their children Amelia, Arrieta, Ana Maria and little Carlos, Alexia and Amelia, Queen Anne-Marie and King Constantine, Nikolaos and Tatiana Blatnik, infanta Cristina with two of her children Pablo Nicolás and Irene, infantas Elena and Cristina with other guests, Elena, Elena and Theodora, Carlos and Alexia, the church Los Remedios de Yaiza, Carlos, Alexia and King Constantine, Philippos and Princess Alexandra zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg

Photos © ¡Hola! and Hello!

¡Hola! 'Alexia de Grecia y Carlos Morales celebran el bautizo de Amelia, su cuarta hija' - Alexia of Greece and Carlos Morales celebrate the christening of Amelia, their fourth child
Hello! magazine 'Lanzarote christening of Princess Alexia's baby is a big family affair'
Crónicas de Lanzarote ' Alexia de Grecia y Carlos Morales bautizaron a su hija Amelia en la iglesia de los Remedios de Yaiza' - Alexia of Greece and Carlos Morals baptized to their daughter Amelia in the church of the Remedies of Yaiza
In attendance were Constantine and Anne Marie of Greece, princesses Elena and Cristina and Alexandra of Denmark and her husband, plus the Lanzarotian politicians Gladys Acuña and Manolo Cabrero. Neither the King or Queen of Spain, the Princes of Asturias, nor Pavlos of Greece or Marie-Chantal attended, Marie-Chantal is expecting their fifth child in July.
Princess Alexia of Greece and the Lanzorotan architect Carlos Morals baptized their youngest daughter Amelia Morales of Greece, in the church of the Remedies of Yaiza on Saturday morning. The youngest of their children, born last October 26, was baptized by the orthodox rite (baptism, communion and confirmation in a same act) by the Metropolitan Bishop of Spain and Portugal. The godparents are the older brother of Carlos Morales, Miguel
Ángel Morales, Prince Philippos of Greece, Luz Hernández, a friend of the couple, and Alexandra of Denmark. ...The ceremony lasted about 45 minutes. The little one “cried enough” the mother Alexia later said... The parish priest of Yaiza and numerous Lanzarotens who are friends of the couple as well as the relatives of Carlos Morales, among them his parents Maria Teresa Quintana and Miguel Morales, were present...“Four is a good team," commented the couple after celebrating the ceremony by the orthodox rite...

1 comment:

  1. Six days ago a reader left a comment/question which I posted to the blog. For some reason it has not gone through, although the system says it has. Weird things happen!

    This was what was posted by plseyw to me

    "plseyw has left a new comment on your post "Princess Alexia of Greece has a new daughter Ameli...":

    Are Alexia's children being raised as Catholic?

    Posted by plseyw to Danish Royal Watchers at 4:42 PM


    So, plseyw, as you can see from further info I added to the post from Crónicas de Lanzarote, the ceremony was an orthodox one. We can assume that all the children must have been christened in the same kind of orthodox ceremony, and it must of course be the case for Pavlos' children also.

    Sorry for the delay getting back to reply - it is not good when the system plays tricks!

