Monday 2 June 2008

Frederik's 40th party at the Orangery

The final celebration of Crown Prince Frederik's 40th took place on Saturday night and well into Sunday. It was Crown Princess Mary who organised the party for 140 guests in the Orangery at Fredensborg Palace. The guests were entertained by jazz music during the evening and Frederik preferred that there were no speeches. But a later report is that there were speeches in Danish anyway. But there were lots of entertainments in the form of songs from friends and also from Mary. One of them was written by Jarl Friis-Mikkelsen, and was sung with great enthusiasm by five friends and performed in the style of a boy band. Frederik joined in on the harmonica. Late in the evening the party moved from the Orangery to the garden behind Chancellery House in a marquee and with a band. Drinks were served with ice cubes of Greenlandic inland ice, which the Royal House had bought in Copenhagen earlier in the week at the Greenlandic specialist store Butik Kamik. At 5:00am on Sunday morning the last guests slipped away from the party. According to this article, Mary wrote and sang a song for her husband at the party with the help of a well-known Danish composer and friend of the DRF, Bent Fabricius-Bjerre (see report below).

There is media speculation that the attendance of Daniel Westling with Crown Princess Victoria is a signal that another royal wedding is imminent. Daniel and Victoria have been to a number of private royal events together, including the 60th birthday of King Carl Gustav (Sweden).

According to Amber Petty, who works on a breakfast radio show in Adelaide, she gave Frederik some South Austalian wines as a gift the night before the party. The dress she wore was by a local designer. It is a "cherry-red georgette, strapless cocktail length dress with a beaded bodice and soft waterfall cut skirt". Amber is staying at Chancellory House with the Crown Prince Family and will remain holidaying for another two and a half weeks.

Mary and Frederik, John and Susan Donaldson, Princess Alexandra S-W-B and Count Jefferson, Carina Axelsson and Prince Gustav, Tatiana Blatnik and Prince Nikolaos, Mette-Marit and Haakon, Daniel Westling and Victoria, Amber Petty, the Orangery on Saturday evening:

Preben Kristensen and Søren Hedegaard, Søren Hedegaard, Anja Camilla Aladji and partner, Hella Joof and Ellen Hillingsø, Peter Warnøe and Julie Tholstrup, Rikke Juul and Julie Mølsgaard, Jean and Ditlev Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Helle Reedtz-Thott and Otto Reedtz-Thott, Rose Gad Foss and Holger Foss, Tanja Kjærsgaard Doky and Chris Minh Doky, Caroline and Peter Heering:

MSN Starlounge 'Alt om fødselsdagen: Jarl og Mary sang for Frederik' - Everything about the birthday: Jarl and Mary sang for Frederik
Crown Princess Mary secretly prepared her own completely personal present for Crown Prince Frederik - a song! According to MSN Starlounge's information she had allied herself with Bent Fabricius-Bjerre and written a song for her man.
During the evening she sang it for him to one of Bent's old tunes.
Several of the visitors told MSN Starlounge that it was the evening's absolute climax, and that Frederik - that many other visitors - shed a tear hearing Mary's song.
"It was so romantic," a visitor said.
Frederik's 40th birthday was full of experiences.
After a beautiful menu in the Orangery the visitors moved late in the evening to Kancellihuset...
Here entertainment began with Jarl Friis-Mikkelsen, who also sang for Frederik.
Then Anne Linnet sang some classics...
Frederik's good friend Lars H.U.G. played some songs...
About midnight Alex Nyborg Madsen's band Led Zeppelin Jam got going.
Later a DJ took over and played all Frederik's favourite songs including from the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Guns N' Roses.
"It was incredibly cosy, and the guests looked as if they realy had fun," Alex said when he left Fredensborg Slot...The last guest left Kancellihuset at 5am.

Billed Bladet 'Mary strålede til Frederiks fest' - Mary shone at Frederik's Party

Billed Bladet photo gallery
B.T. photo gallery
Søren Steffen

Added: Her&Νu video clip (reporter Karen Balselv and camera Kasper Wenstrup)

(thanks gudinde, sissi and jema!)

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Blogger Lynette said...

Oh, so romantic. I guess that gift of a song would be the perfect gift wouldn't it? The other day I went into my favorite dress shop and foud that they are now stocking some of the Danish designers that Princess Mary wears. But to get back to Mary's gift of a song. Something "unphotographical"b ut totally memorable!!

4:37 am  
Blogger Sternchen said...

Wow, Mary's dress is splendid! Do you know who designed it?

1:01 pm  
Blogger lotte said...

Hi Lynette - yes the Danish designers are getting around. :)

Hey Sternchen - it is beautiful, eh? (well, I like it too - taste is such a personal and variable thing)

It is by Matthew Williamson from his Spring 2007 Collection, bottom row, no. 4, its in a different color:

(copy & paste) - thanks to Ayvee for the FYI

Cheers, lotte :)

1:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that Tanja Kjærsgaard Doky's husband played the piano when Mary sang for Frederik. Can anyone confirm this? I'm a huge fan of Doky, but didn't know he could also play the piano.

2:44 pm  
Blogger lotte said...

It's true YSL forever. Post to come :)

2:11 pm  
Blogger Pathos said...

Thanks for the gorgeous photos! Some say they can't tell the Prince from Hugh Grant or Jason Mraz, and Princess Mary from Kathleen Turner in her heyday. I know a girl who listens to Jason's music deliberately imagining Frederic is the vocalist. Korean fans of Prince Christian really adore him. They really love to post every single still of his images on their blogs. I'm short at English, so I'm using Korean-English dictionary quite a few times during this posting. It gives me a hard time, but makes me happy.

10:44 pm  
Blogger Louisa said...

Who is Amber Petty's beau? He isn't named ... but he looks familiar ... I can't place him!

4:10 pm  
Blogger lotte said...

Hi louisa,
I don't know. He is labelled as Amber's escort on the walk to the party shots by the websites posting the pics. He doesn't look familiar to me.
lotte :)

2:22 pm  

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